For the day-to-day running of a business, it may not seem like utilising a bookkeeper is necessary, as many companies either see it as an additional cost, something they are able to do themselves, or simply don’t understand what a bookkeeper does and how it can help them.

So, what is a Bookkeeper?

A Bookkeeper is an individual or company who deals with another company’s day-to-day accounting. This can be for either medium or self-employed businesses. By using a licenced Bookkeeper, it ultimately reduces the requirement for an internal resource and allows that time to be utilised elsewhere.

A licenced Bookkeeper can assist a company in several different ways, depending on the licence they hold.

Sherlock Accounts is licenced for bookkeeping, year-end accounts, accounting software training and payroll.

This means that we can help you by calculating and submitting your VAT as and when required by HRMC. We can also assist you in your day-to-day bookkeeping by collating your month’s invoices and receipts to make your year-end accounts process smoother.

If you already have your monthly accounts in hand, we can also provide you with peace of mind by reviewing your end of year accounts to ensure they are correct and include all applicable assets before submission. 

Not sure if you can afford a Bookkeeper?

You’d be surprised.

As a smaller business, its understandable that business expenditures and resources are reviewed carefully, but what many are unaware of is that that Bookkeepers and accountants are an allowed expense, which ultimately reduces your tax bill. Not only that, a licensed Bookkeeper like Sherlock Accounts will also ensure that you are claiming every allowable expense to help your company grow.

Can’t pay an upfront cost to a Bookkeeper? Don’t worry, at Sherlock Accounts we understand that as a smaller business you may not have the ability to provide a bulk upfront for services, therefore we have developed monthly payment plans for all our services to help spread the costs.

Doing all yourself?

Not a problem, but don’t get caught out.

In recent years the HMRC have changed their allowable claims criteria, with many smaller businesses being caught and fined for not following the new guidance. Although you may think you are “safe” because you are “a smaller company”, this is not the case.

If you submit incorrect claims to the HMRC you will be fined, and ignorance is not an accepted excuse. We can provide you with a service that reviews your end of year accounts, checking that they comply with all of the latest HMRC rules and regulations and advise of any changes required, including any additional claims that can be made (such as a Bookkeeper). 

Interested? Contact us today to discuss how we can assist you with your accounting needs.